
Mission Statement
The mission of the Franklin County High School Mathematics Department is to provide an educational experience in mathematics that helps students prepare for successful roles in an ever changing society. To support this mission we, the FCHS Math Department, will be committed to continuing professional development, will continue to align the curriculum to meet or exceed district, state and national standards, will help students make real world connections using innovative teaching practices, and will continually incorporate technology in our lessons. We will employ various assessment techniques, use a variety of teaching styles, and maintain an intervention plan for students that might be having difficulty.
We believe all students can be successful. FCHS students will be challenged to develop skills in analysis, reasoning, creativity and self-expression as they gain knowledge of mathematics. We will maintain high academic and behavioral expectations and try to make every classroom minute count. It is our hope, that through our efforts, FCHS students will realize their full potential.

State Math Graduation Requirements
for classes of 2024-2027

3 standard credits, 1 verified credit

Courses completed to satisfy this requirement shall include at least three different course selections from among: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or other mathematics courses above the level of Algebra II.

Advanced Studies Diploma

4 standard credits, 1 verified credit

Courses completed to satisfy this requirement shall include at least three different course selections from among: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or other mathematics courses above the level of Algebra II.

Math Choices

Flowchart for classes after Algebra I

Flowchart for classes after Algebra II

Math choices after Algebra I

Math choices after Algebra II

Math Classes for the Honors Level student

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